Wednesday, June 16, 2010

the oily bird finds the worm is dead

the industrialists have finally done it--they've made the entire earth the equivalent of the Gowanus Canal! Hooray, future generations of "humans" will thank us. They won't resemble us physically of course, they will have out of necessity mutated into ozone-breathing, petroleum-sucking, ultraviolet-light-ray- and microwave-resistant creatures with no need of clothing or hair. Maybe like sentient tumors bottom feeding on GMO krill shot full of hormones. They will thank us for preparing earth for their emergence.
Aptly enough, the Gowanus Canal, has the words has "anus" and "anal" in it and it frequently smells like crap because of all the solvents, garbage, guns and bodies in it. And now the Gulf is like that, too. Great.
The thing is that greed is what leads to these horrors. This is the pornography of greed. I don't know, maybe if there were some other motivation it would be acceptable or understandable. But so it is.
The efforts to clean up the Gowanus are charming and idealistic, and sweet because there is an ugly beauty to it and visionaries see potential here. I hope the idealists win, they clean it up and someday people will promenade on its splendorous banks. I hope the same for the Gulf.


  1. The reason we wear clothing is not for protection from the elements but instead because Christianity calls for such modesty.

    And now I am going to vomit.

  2. I hope we won't all toin inta oily boids.
