On my commute yesterday (I freelanced this week for a pop "culture" magazine/ landfill fodder) I saw this revelatory and insightful graffiti: CAPITALISM SPILLS. It was painted on an oracular building which can be viewed in between EAGLE Clothing and KENTILE Floors where the F train rises above ground in a rollercoasteresque arc above Carroll Gardens.
I noticed on webular news venues, the oil spill disaster is being referred to as the "Louisiana Oil Spill"--why not say the truth and call it the "British Petroleum Oil Spill"? It's their fault, and the fault of all oil-driven economic policy which had come years ago, thanks to the great oil junkies, such as GW Bush, Tony Blair, et al. Language shapes public opinion, so place the blame where it belongs.
In any case, although studies show that the "me generation" is apathetic towards others (http://www.livescience.com/culture/empathy-college-students-generation-me-100528.html) it would appear that some youth do care about the environment, hence the graffiti. The economic, political and environmentally irresponsible quagmire we find ourselves in took generations of selfishness and lack of empathy to create, so I would argue that the current pathology has its roots in Reaganism.
This building is like an oracle, with social concerns posted by committed artists. I'm thankful for whoever is involved.

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