Here's another picture of Guinness and a failed attempt to hypnotize her to keep her from trolling for sidewalk treats when we walked. Also I forgot to take pictures of my volunteer day last week when I walked dogs for BARC shelter in Williamsburg. I was dazzled by the "hipster silk route" and other rumors I'd heard about the rampant gentrification. Parts of it didn't resemble NY at all, it was almost like part of Berkeley, CA, crashed into a toxic waste site on the still waterside of the East River. Also there were these megalithic condos keeping sentinel watch on the shore, their fronts facing the water and sunset, much like the Easter Island heads. There were still traces of the generations come before, little hints of poverty, old churches, Boricua College. And of course the animal shelter, where saintly (yet cheerful) people work tirelessly for very little pay to alleviate the suffering of the helpless dogs and cats which come their way. The first dog I walked was Champ, and he was so cool I took him on a long jaunt--his coat was the same coloring as Guinness, he was from similar stock but his head was the shape and size of a St. Bernard. They told me he would be adopted soon, shepherd mixes are in demand. My last dog was a young hyper mini Pinscher named Rocco, we sidled along the luxury condo overlooking the water, I was hoping the small manicured ovals of grass would inspire him to poop, when I saw the doorman get up. Uh oh, we'll be chased away--but no, a tall unassuming graceful figure was advancing and too late I realized it was a famous actor (I think). The doorman was going to get the door for him; celebrity smiled at the mini Pin. Maybe he'll adopt? Rocco has a wife, they will get adopted as a pair. Anyway Rocco and I went off to another more private area for his business, the sun was setting, a breeze cooled the air, all was well.
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